
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Evans on Tour - Day 11: Lescouet-Gouarec

An early off from Josselin (well, 9.30) on a beautiful sunny day and we took the fast road to Pontivy for the inevitable cafe au lait. I convinced S to take the scenic route up to Cleguerec which was still decked out in all it's Le Tour regalia, complete with bikes on lamp-posts and big posters of the French riders. Had a pleasant lunch in the town square where there was a mini statue of liberty. Then up the road (hill actually, still some training for S still required) to our 5 star B&B where we currently sit sipping champagne while watching shorts dry in the Breton sun . . . bliss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the cup. price of gold r4isen considerably in the last couple of days. Glad you didn't put your bikes on the lamppost!! Food sounds good, you obviously forgot France is a religious country hence ferme lundi.
Thank you for pressy, it is lovely hadf a great day, heard from children which was super. Enjoy your last few days. Mum